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Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Remote Ready Bird Launcher
Code: 1598

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Remote Ready Bird Launcher

Perfect for releasing live birds of any size (ducks, pheasants, quail, pigeons) but can also throw Dokkens, dead birds, and large/small bumpers when training your dog to mark. -- Some Assembly Required

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Remote Ready Bird Launcher

More Pictures:

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Closed
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Closed

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Open
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Open

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Raised Closed
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Raised Closed

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Raised Open
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Raised Open

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Swing Arm
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Swing Arm

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Release
Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Release

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Release

Zinger Winger G5 Uplander Release

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