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Training Retrievers to Handle by D.L. and Ann Walters
Code: 10560

Training Retrievers to Handle by D.L. and Ann Walters

For serious field trial competition or for the training of a first-class hunting dog.

Training Retrievers to Handle by D.L. and Ann Walters

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D. L. Walters was raised in his profession, helping his parents train hunting dogs. In 1945 he joined them in the business, specializing in retrievers. Before long he was on the field trial circuit and won his first Open Stake in 1951. In the years to come he trained and handled two dogs to National Championships, on to a National Derby Championship, also trained the winner of a National Amateur Championship. Retrievers have been his life.

In 1967, D. L. and Ann edited "Charles Morgan on Retrievers", spending three years in organizing letters, manuscripts and tapes of Charley Morgan before his death. For the last three years, they have been retired from handling dogs on the field trial circuit to stay on their farm in eastern Kansas. There they are still actively training retrievers, and have developed this step-by-step program to teach handling.

The training procedures used are adaptable to all types of dogs and are especially designed to promote stylish, confident, hard running dogs on blind retrieves. The program stresses the creation of good habits and the prevention of bad habits. The steps are well illustrated with 12 photos and over 50 diagrams. Also discussed are such topics as: Training Yourself as a Handler, the use of Training Aids, General Training Guidelines.

Anyone interested in the training of retrievers will find this a useful book, whether for serious field trial competition or for the training of a first class hunting dog.