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Mike Lardys Total E-Collar Conditioning DVD + Book

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Mike Lardy's Total E-Collar Conditioning DVD + Book

Learn how to properly introduce your dog to the e-collar.

Mike Lardys Total E-Collar Conditioning DVD + Book

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Total E-Collar Conditioning Book Back Cover Detail

Total E-Collar Conditioning Book Back Cover Detail

Total E-Collar Conditioning Book Back Cover Detail

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Total E-Collar Conditioning

Mike Lardy guides you through e-collar conditioning with a method that emphasizes teaching in a positive environment.

Whether you train for hunt test, field trials, or hunting, this video shows you how to properly introduce your dog to the e-collar.

Tail waggin’ performances with excellent control are the hallmarks of retrievers trained with Mike Lardy’s methods. Mike has trained over 75 AKC Field Champions and has won the National Retriever Championship a record seven times. Mike is also a featured writer for the Retriever Journal, and his acclaimed Total Retriever video series has helped scores of amateur trainers compete successfully in field trials and hunt tests.