Dog Collars + FREE Name Plates
Garmin / Tri-tronics Dog Training Collars
Retrieving Training Dummies & Bumpers
Steve's Dog Training Collars Buyer's Guide
List of Dog Boxes, Dog Toppers and Dog Trailers Sites
SportDOG Remote Training Collars and Training Equipment
Hunting & Field Gear
Read Steve's Quick Picks for Dog Training Collars
Pet Containment Systems, Wireless Dog Fences, & Extra Radio Collars
Dog Leads and Leashes
Dog GPS Tracking Systems for Hunting Dogs
Hunting Dog Vests, Jackets, Coats, & Chest Protectors
Dog Training Whistles and Lanyards
Gun Dog Supply FAQ, Shipping Methods, and Other Information
Our Best Selling Remote Dog Training Collars
Steve Snell's Dog Training Articles, Reviews, & Buyers Guides
Shop All Dog Training Collars
Blank / Starter Pistols & Accessories for Dog Training
Bark Collars
Dogtra Electronic Dog Training Collars
Dokken's Dead Fowl Trainers / Retriever Training Dummies
Petsafe Wireless Dog Fences & Collars
Dummy Launchers for Retriever Training
Dog Boots for Hunting & Active Dogs
Puppy Training Supplies & Puppy Products
Dog Crates, Carriers, Kennels, and Kennel Covers
Game Bird Equipment - Pigeon, Quail, Pheasant, etc.
Plastic & Rubber Dummies / Bumpers for Training Retrieves
SportDOG Original Lucky Dog Regular Plastic Dummy
Dog Check Cords & Dog Ropes
DT Systems Electronic Remote Dog Training Collars
Blanks and Poppers
Beeper Collars for Bird Dogs
Dog Harnesses, Packs, and Saddle Bags
Hunting Dog Training Videos & DVDs
Choker Chains & Choke Collars
Puppy and Small Dog Collars with FREE NAME PLATES!
Bird Launchers & Bird Launcher Parts
How much should you spend on a dog training collar?
BUYER'S GUIDE:  How to Choose / Install a Pet Containment System
Automatic Dog Waterers, Water and Food Bowls, Buckets, and Water Heaters
Dog Beds and Crate Cushions
Dog Whistle Buyer's Guide by Steve Snell
What do you want to do with your dog?
Canine Health, First Aid, & Dog Grooming Products
Automatic Dog Waterers
First-Aid for Dogs -- Canine First Aid Kits, Ointments, and Sprays
Canvas Retrieving Training Dummies / Bumpers
Zinger Winger Dummy Launchers
Kennel Supplies and Maintenance Equipment
Car & Truck Dog Stuff
Dog Collar Buyer's Guide
Small Breed Dogs: Electronic Dog Training Collars, Containment, & Bark Collars
Avery Regular HexaBumper Retriever Dummy
Training Deaf Dogs with Vibration Collars
All About Multi-Dog Units
Dummy Launcher Dummies
Dog Waste Management and Fly Control
Hunting Dog Training Books
Hardware for Dog Training
SportDOG SportHunter Series Collars SD-825X / 1225X / 1825X
Keep Your Dog from Becoming Gun Shy
BUYER'S GUIDE: Read this before you buy a tracking collar!
Force Fetch Training Products
Important Dog I.D. Tag Information
Retriever Training Videos & DVDs
Petsafe "Traditional" In-Ground Pet Containment Systems and Collars
Dog Food Bags and Storage Containers
Game Bird Wings for Dog Training (Grouse, Pheasant, Quail)
Duck Dog Stands, Blinds & Boat Ladders for Duck Hunting
"We train OUR DOGS with the products we sell"
Dog Training, Trailing, and Breaking Scents
Pinch Collars  / Force Training Collars
Leather, Rope, Biothane, and Braided British Style Slip Leads
Dog Food Bowls, Water Bowls, and Food Pans
Garmin / Tri-Tronics Bark Limiter No-Bark Collars and Accessories
Braided and Rope Style Snap Leads and Dog Leashes
Beeper Collars Buyer's Guide by Steve Snell
Lucky Launcher II Dummy Launchers by RRT
Leather Snap Leads and Leashes
Force Breaking Dummies and Bucks
Garmin Tri-Tronics Extra Collars, Accessories, Batteries, Maps, & Parts
Retriever Puppy Training Kit Featuring Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book
Hunt Test Holding Blinds for Dog Training
Retriev -R- Trainer Handheld Dummy Launchers
Hunt Test / Field Trial Equipment
Duck Calls, Upland Bird Calls, Predator Calls, & Lanyards
What about tone or vibration modes?
New Items at Gun Dog Supply
Pointing Dog Videos & DVDs
Dog Bells
SportDOG In-Ground Fence Systems
SportDOG Replacement Batteries
SportDOG Roy Gonia Whistles and MEGA Whistles
SportDOG Add-a-Dog Collars, Accessories, Batteries, and Parts
Hound Hunting and Training Supplies
Dummy Launcher Loads
FAQ -- Retrieving Dummies and Dog Bumpers
Field Bags, Blind Bags, Decoy Bags, & Heavy-Duty Gear Bags
TWO DOG SportDOG Multi-dog Collars
Will a cheap dog training collar do the job?
Box-Style Bird Launchers Buyer's Guide
Dixie Insulated Kennel Covers by Mud River
What training do I need to use a dog training collar?
Rope Style Check Cords
Dokken Ducks  -- Deadfowl Retriever Trainers
Nylon Snap Dog Leashes and Dog Leads
Training Dummy / Accessory Bags
Acme Standard Thunderer, Tornado, and Camo Whistles
Holsters and Lanyards for Garmin / Tri-Tronics Handhelds
Acme Oblong Whistles
Fly Predators from Spalding Labs
SportDOG YardTrainer Series Collars
Dog Visibility and Tracking Lights
What if you want a beeper collar and a remote trainer?
Bird Harnesses and Restraints for Quail, Pheasant, and Pigeon
Dogtra Game Bird Launchers
Dog Water Buckets
Biothane, Cable, and SunGlo Snap Leads and Leashes
Dog Steps, Dog Ladders, and Pet Ramps
How much range do you need in a remote training collar?
DT Systems Bird Launchers
What are the differences in types of stimulation?
Training Scents for Training Hunting Dogs
Evan Graham's SmartWork Retriever Training Books & Videos
Battery Chargers for Garmin / Tri-Tronics Transmitters and Collars
Combination Beeper / Training Collars
Stand Alone Beepers & Beeper Collars
Mushers Secret All Natural Paw Protection
Replacement Straps for SportDOG Collars
Dokken Upland Birds Deadfowl Trainers
Vibration Collars from Dogtra
Avery Jumbo HexaBumper Retriever Dummy
Kurgo Wander Dog Hammock Back Seat Cover -- Charcoal
Game Bird Feeders and Waterers
Gun Shy / Thunder / Noise Conditioning Products
Dogtra Remote Releaser Systems and Accessories
DT Systems Super-Pro Handheld Dummy Launchers
1 in. Leather D-End Dog Collar
Garmin / Tri-Tronics Replacement Collar Straps
What are the differences in stimulation levels between manufacturers?
Bird Bags for Dog Training
CLOSEOUT: ThunderShirt Calming / Anti-Anxiety Vest for Dogs -- Gray
Pet Odor Control Products
What about collar fit and probe length?
Garmin / Tri Tronics Additional Collars (Extra Receivers)
Garmin Handheld Long Range Antenna for Alpha and Astro GPS Systems
All About Roading and Harnesses by Steve Snell
Acme Whistles
Bird Totes and Game Lanyards
Dog Training DVDs by Series
Standalone and Portable Dog Waterers