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Kennel Supplies and Maintenance Equipment

Everything you need to keep your kennel clean, sanitary, and free from flies and odors!

buy  Wysiwash Sanitizing Sprayer System

Wysiwash Sanitizing Sprayer System

   (8 items) The Wysiwash System will effectively clean, sanitize, and eliminate odors while blasting away dirt with a jet stream of water. The hydro-injection "venturi system" produces a solution of hypochlorous acid that is up to 120 times more effective than liquid bleach. Simply connect the Wysiwash Sanitizer to the hose and spray. There is no need to worry...        

buy  Dog Waste Management and Fly Control

Dog Waste Management and Fly Control

   (8 items) Check out our selection of Dog Waste Management Products. Whether you need a canine septic tank, digester powder, odor eliminator, or just a pooper scooper, we've got you covered. Finally -- a convenient in-ground dog waste solution -- the In-Ground Dog Waste Toilet. Available in both Septic Tank and Leach System styles, these "toilets" use enzym...        

buy  Pet Odor Control Products

buy  EfferSan Spray Bottle

EfferSan Spray Bottle

Use with EfferSan tablets available in 24-count and 100-count sizes. Just fill the spray bottle with water, add 1 tablet, and wait for it to dissolve. Within minutes you'll be ready to disinfect. EfferSan is a no-rinse sanitizer that is great for cleaning kennels and cr...        

buy  SMALL PetSafe SmartDoor

SMALL PetSafe SmartDoor

If you have ever worried about the security of a pet door or had a problem with wild animals, or even your neighbor's dog getting into your home, you need a PetSafe smart door -- it uses innovative technology to insure that only the animals that you want to give access to your home are able to get in or out. The PetSafe Smart Door recognizes the S        

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GUN DOG SUPPLY - "Serving Hunting & Field Dog Owners Nationally Since 1972."
Order online via Secure Server or call 1-800-624-6378 to order! GDS Warehouse, 17645 U.S. Highway 82, Mathiston, Mississippi, 39752 USA.


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