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Comfort Adapter for SD 425X / 425XS / 575 / 825X / 875 -- Long

Usually ships the next business day.

Code: 8378

Comfort Adapter for SD 425X / 425XS / 575 / 825X / 875 -- Long

A wider contact point surface allows for extended wear by your dog.

Comfort Adapter for SD 425X / 425XS / 575 / 825X / 875 -- Long

More Pictures:

SD Comfort Adapter Long Collar Side
SD Comfort Adapter Long Collar Side

SD Comfort Adapter Long Inside Collar
SD Comfort Adapter Long Inside Collar

Attached to the SD-1825 (note covered charging contacts)
Attached to the SD-1825 (note covered charging contacts)

SD Comfort Adapter Long Inside Collar

SD Comfort Adapter Long Inside Collar

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