"We partnered with professional dog trainer Robin MacFarlane to develop these training videos."
Robin MacFarlane is a fantastic professional dog trainer. We've been selling her JUST RIGHT DVDs for years and recently started working together on this new DVD series.
What's really interesting about these videos is that Robin has never worked with these dogs before, and several younger dogs have never been trained on an ecollar.
First, Robin walks you through the basic obedience commands showing what proper form looks like.
Next, Robin shows how she introduces the ecollar to two of Steve's puppies, Jack & Tilly, and shows you how to find the right STIM level to communicate with your dog.
She then turns that into a lesson for your dog to recognize that STIM means pay attention to your handler and expands that into a basic recall.
Additional segments include teaching RECALL, PLACE, SIT, and HEEL.
"Have little to no dog training experience nor ecollar experience? These videos are for you."