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Do you have an e-collar for your dog but you've been afraid to use it? Stop worrying and start training! This 5-disc set will take you step-by-step through the process, from starting the training and finding a level up and through working around distractions and being ready to go off-leash!
Three dogs of varying personalities were adopted from a shelter environment and trained daily over the course of 3-weeks. This video series captures the real-time footage starting from day one of introducing the e-collar and progresses to the point of off-leash control and working around real world distractions. Robin takes you step-by-step through the process of laying a foundation, solving common problems, working through distractions and graduating to off-leash freedom. The systematic approach and detailed instruction is designed specifically with the novice e-collar user in mind, but even experienced trainers will find a gem or two to add to their training toolbox!
Each of the dogs in this video series, Grace, Brandi and Bonnie, started training within 72 hours of being adopted from a shelter environment. What you will see are real-time training sessions, not special editing or previously trained dogs. Viewers will be watching dogs with different temperaments being worked through challenges toward the goal of off-leash control and a greatly improved relationship with their handler.
This video series takes a systematic approach to e-collar use from introduction to off-leash control. Robin's e-collar instructional materials are clear, concise and never sacrifice the physical or emotional well-being of the dog. With this training, your dog will be calmer, more controlled AND be able to experience the joys of off-leash freedom!
Disc 1: Overview
Purpose of These Videos
Video Overview
When Do I Start Training?
When Do I Start Using My E-Collar?
Disc 1: Before You Start the Training
Becoming Comfortable with Your Remote
Rhythm: Learning the Cadence of STIM
Training Your Dog with Tone and Vibration
Turning Feeding Time into Training Time
Difference Between Confusion and Disobedience
Managing Stress
Time to Digest
Your Dog's Personality
Disc 2: Getting Started and Building a Foundation
STIM Icons and Finding a Level
Getting Started -- Grace
Getting Started -- Bonnie
Getting Started -- Brandi
Helping Your Dog
Building Recall -- Bonnie
Building Recall -- Brandi
Building Recall -- Grace
When Do I Start Using Verbal Commands?
Place Command
Introducing Place -- Grace
Disc 3: Manners and Problem Solving
Stopping Jumping Up -- Grace
Taking Treats Politely -- Bonnie
Momentary Stimulation vs. Continuous Stimulation
Teaching Leave It -- Grace
Teaching Wait -- Bonnie
Disc 3: What To Teach Next
Shaping Sit -- Bonnie
E-Collar Sit -- Grace
Shaping Down -- Bonnie
E-Collar Down -- Brandi
Starting Heel -- Brandi
Starting Heel -- Grace
Short Line Heel -- Brandi
Heel Adding Turns and Figure 8's
Disc 4: Proofing the Training
Putting It All Together -- Brandi
Finding the Right Level of Stim
Proofing Place with Distractions -- Grace
Proofing Place -- Bonnie
Working Around Distractions -- Grace
Working Around Distractions -- Brandi
Working with Two Dogs -- Grace And Brandi
Disc 4: Including Some Fun
Adding Play
Playing Tug -- Brandi
Playing Tug -- Having Fun and Being Safe
How Much Should You Practice? -- Brandi
Disc 5: Ready to Go Off-Leash
Body Language -- Grace
Off Leash Transition -- Grace
Physical and Mental Outlets for Your Dog
Drop Leash Transition -- Brandi
Proofing Recall -- Brandi
Proofing Recall -- Bonnie
When Do I Stop Using the E-Collar?
Grand Finale
If you've longed to be able to trust your dog off-leash but don’t have the confidence to start training with an e-collar, this video series is for you! Any dog owner that is interested in learning an easier way to communicate with their dog while gaining off-leash reliability will benefit from this video series.
Steve Says: MacFarlane: E-Collar Training
Making a dog training video can be a complicated process. Having the dogs that you need at the correct level of training when you are ready to shoot the video is the hard part. If you are going to show the actual training, then you need to film the dogs when the training is happening. Most videos don't do this. They film dogs after the training is complete. You end up with a product that shows the trained dog instead of the training process. It's not what the customer wants to see and it does not give a true picture of the process, warts and all.
We did not want to do that with this project. We wanted several dogs that had zero training so we could show you how fast you could take them through the process, from the introduction of the e-collar to off-leash control in real-time. Robin's idea was to take three dogs from shelter backgrounds and put manners on them as fast as possible. She also wanted to film the entire process. Grace, Brandi and Bonnie each came with their own particular issues as you will see in the early sessions. For the next three weeks, we filmed the entire training process of each dog's training, and show you every step along the way.
There are many ways to train dogs and many different ways to use the remote training collar. Robin's training methods are easy to understand for the dog and the trainer.
I received my streaming access link to "E-COLLAR TRAINING with Robin MacFarlane."I watched the entire program and now feel confident enough to use an e-collar for my dog's training.Your HD streaming videos are exceptional. Your expert real-time commentary, overlaying Cue/Command, and active STIM button on your screen are valuable.Your decision to use three untrained dogs with different temperaments was brilliant.It allows one to witness the natural progression of learning and observe how every dog is unique and may require that you adapt your training while also revealing the value of an e-collar.
By Marie
Clinton, Connecticut
Great comprehensive e-collar training
December 14, 2021
We have a 10 month springer spaniel who I want to train on the e-collar. Robin's comprehensive training guide is perfect. I purchased the collar but found myself struggling to find a step-by-step guide. The internet is filled by snippets of training but nothing comprehensive until by chance I landed on Robin's site. Not only does she instruct how to use the e-collar she also gives great advice and tips on how best to succeed with your particular dog in mind. To me, this training DVD set has been invaluable as I continue to train with my springer. Marie Morch
By John
December 14, 2022
Well worth the price. It has given me the confidence to use the e-collar for effective training.
By Dave
Excellent Intro to E-collar Training
February 11, 2022
I've been training hunting dogs with an e-collar for about 15 years. My grown daughter became interested in using an e-collar to train her high-maintenance dog at the suggestion of a pro-trainer (much to my surprise), but was concerned about using it incorrectly. Since I am unable to personally help her due to physical separation, I bought this set of videos in the hope that they would put her on the right course. But, just to make sure, I reviewed them first. I was very pleased to see that everything I told her (and cautioned her about) was addressed in the video and then some. So, I forwarded them to her and would highly recommend this set to anyone new to e-collar training who wants to ensure they do it right.
Viewer gets to see the techniques applied to multiple different dogs (every dog is different) with "no prior training."
Lots of little pointers and cautions are addressed throughout the video, but you have to be listening closely or you could miss them. I picked up on them due to my past experience, but I could easily see how a newbie could miss them if not paying close attention. It would be nice if they were highlighted somehow.
By Elden
Northwest Illinios
Very good product
January 29, 2022
Robin uses great detail explaining and visual. Sarets out 1st day were the dog has no training and progresses all the way to where the dog knows what he is doing. Helps the dog to become a problem solver.
By Rock
Woodstown NJ
Excellent videos
September 27, 2021
We'll doneEasy to follow Nicely explained Can't believe how intently the dog was watching it
Broken up into lessons
Tips on reading the dogs
Understanding the behavior
By Debbie
Sandy, UT
Very helpful videos
July 8, 2021
I had purchased an e-collar for my puppy and was making some progress, but was nervous to continue since I had only watched youtube videos and read two books. These videos gave me the confidence I needed to continue training my puppy. She is an 11 month old mini golden doodle. She is great in the house, but even with continuous training, I was having trouble with her constantly pulling on her leash. Her recall also was not very good, mostly because it's hard when you don't have a helper. She has made great strides in her training since I watched these videos. She comes when called and has also improved considerably with her heeling. She loves to go to a school or park and run around without a leash. I would recommend these videos to anyone nervous about training their puppy or dog with an e-collar. I wish I had done it sooner and saved my shoulder and lessened my stress.
Concise training with dogs that had not been trained before. Real life training!! Robin knows what she is doing.
By Steve
Williamsburg, VA
Clear and Well Done
March 18, 2021
This should be a mandatory purchase with the purchase of an e-collar. Clear and concise. Just about everything you need to know to get started is presented. I watched all of the topics straight through twice before I took the e-collar(s) out fo the box. The only issue I have is the actual DVDs had issues in the player (PS4) but luckily I purchased the streaming version as well. An odd suggestion I have to add another "volume" is how to use the e-collar to help form wanted behavior with two sibling dogs and their unique circumstances (domination, playing vs rough-housing, separation anxiety, etc.).
Covers many potential circumstances you might face
Loved the on-screen visuals that showed when pressure was being applied
DVDs skipped or weren't able to play a number of topics
By Doc
Hartford, Wisconsin
E-Collar Training is Worth the Price
December 21, 2020
This is a well done series and made me much more comfortable using the E-Collar for Training. With its proper use dogs and man can be constant companions and team mates.
Well done progressive series. I am no longer scared to use tthe his tool to get the results i want. I have a GSP who now is my partner both on and off the fields.
I did not want it to end. I was enjoying it so much and learning a lot.
By Lisa P.
Dubuque, IA
Very Helpful Video Series
September 24, 2020
I live near Dubuque, where Robin McFarlane is located, and met with her for about half an hour soon after adopting a 5-month-old cockapoo (my first dog as an adult). Everything that I had read about cockapoos suggested "no harsh training," but I had heard good things about That's My Dog (her training facility) from other dog owners and wanted my dog to be off-leash, and so decided to learn more about her approach. These videos were much less expensive than private lessons and so I bought them in case I needed them. I started out with just using a tone collar and my dog (who has separation anxiety and basically adores me) was pretty responsive to just that for a long time, as long as I consistently rewarded him with treats. When he got close to 18 months, though, he entered a disobedient phase where he started to think that he could just run up and play with any other dog that he saw (once running across a street), and then would just suffer the consequences of my being unhappy later. So I finally watched all these videos and then used the shock stimulus at the lowest level that he would respond to (between 8-12 on the smallest Educator collar), as Robin suggested in the videos, continuing to use many more treats and praise than shocks. After just a couple of hours, he became more obedient than ever, and seemed to love me even more (probably because I was no longer scolding him for misbehaving), and did not seem unhappy at all. Since then, he has been basically totally responsive to me when I have called him (via tone or voice), and quicker to sit when I ask, and in general a little more respectful, and just as loving and happy, with my almost never needing to use the shock function again. I don't think that I would have been nearly as effective or confident at using the collar if I hadn't watched this particular video series, which I found to be considerably more helpful than the shorter videos that Robin has put together. So I would highly recommend this purchase to other nervous collar users. Thanks to Gun Dog Supply for producing the series!
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