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Dakota 283 Dine N Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage

Dakota 283 Dine N' Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage

Take your dog's food and water on the road with no drips or spills!

Dakota 283 Dine N Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage

More Pictures:

Dine N Dash Dark Granite
Dine N Dash Dark Granite

Dine N Dash Light Granite
Dine N Dash Light Granite

Dine N Dash Light Olive
Dine N Dash Light Olive

Dine N Dash Orange
Dine N Dash Orange

Dine N Dash Back
Dine N Dash Back

Dine N Dash Lid Installed
Dine N Dash Lid Installed

Dine N Dash Plug
Dine N Dash Plug

Dine N Dash Food Bowl Detail
Dine N Dash Food Bowl Detail

Dine N Dash Fill Up
Dine N Dash Fill Up

Dine N Dash Carried
Dine N Dash Carried

Dine N Dash Cross-Section
Dine N Dash Cross-Section

Dine N Dash Orange

Dine N Dash Orange

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