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Dakota 283 Dine N Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage and DakotaGuard

Dakota 283 Dine N' Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage and DakotaGuard

  • Take your dog's food and water on the road with no drips or spills
  • Features DakotaGuard anti-microbial protection

  • Dakota 283 Dine N Dash Portable Waterer with Integrated Food Storage and DakotaGuard

    More Pictures:

    Dine N Dash Dark Granite
    Dine N Dash Dark Granite

    Dine N Dash Olive
    Dine N Dash Olive

    Dine N Dash Orange
    Dine N Dash Orange

    Dine N Dash Back
    Dine N Dash Back

    Dine N Dash Lid Installed
    Dine N Dash Lid Installed

    Dine N Dash Plug
    Dine N Dash Plug

    Dine N Dash Food Bowl Detail
    Dine N Dash Food Bowl Detail

    Dine N Dash Fill Up
    Dine N Dash Fill Up

    Dine N Dash Carried
    Dine N Dash Carried

    Dine N Dash Cross-Section
    Dine N Dash Cross-Section

    Dine N Dash Carried

    Dine N Dash Carried

    Click the IMAGE to see the next detailed picture.

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