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Garmin/Tri-Tronics BARK LIMITER Deluxe No-Bark Collar (Rechargeable)


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Code: 5999

Garmin/Tri-Tronics BARK LIMITER Deluxe No-Bark Collar

DELUXE = rechargeable batteries.

Garmin/Tri-Tronics BARK LIMITER Deluxe No-Bark Collar (Rechargeable)

More Pictures:

Bark Limiter Deluxe Collar Detail
Bark Limiter Deluxe Collar Detail

Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger
Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger

Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger Exploded View
Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger Exploded View

Bark Limiter Deluxe Collar on Charger
Bark Limiter Deluxe Collar on Charger

Bark Limiter Deluxe Manual
Bark Limiter Deluxe Manual

Bark Limiter Deluxe Box
Bark Limiter Deluxe Box

Bark Limiter Deluxe Coin Turning Dial
Bark Limiter Deluxe Coin Turning Dial

Bark Limiter DLX Scaled
Bark Limiter DLX Scaled

Bark Limiter Deluxe on Dog
Bark Limiter Deluxe on Dog

Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger

Bark Limiter Deluxe Charger

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