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The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers with Dave Rorem DVD & Book Set


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The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers with Dave Rorem DVD & Book Set

Designed to make you a better handler in field trials and hunt tests, increasing your success rate in competition.

The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers with Dave Rorem DVD & Book Set

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The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers Back Cover Detail

The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers Back Cover Detail

The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers Back Cover Detail

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The Art and Science of Handling Retrievers

Dave Rorem

Dave Rorem started training gundogs in the 1970s and saw his first field trial in 1977. He was hooked immediately! He won his first derby in 1979 and made his first Field Champion in 1984. Since that time, he has trained and handled 7 National Champions in Canada, made over 70 Field Champions, and had over 50 National Finalists in Canada and the US. Dave spent 11 years working with his mentor, Rex Carr, and credits him for the trainer and handler he is today.

This 2 DVD set plus book is NOT another training program It is designed to make you a better handler in field trials and hunt tests. It will increase your success rate in competition. Dave Rorem shares his many years of experience and success in retriever field events in this invaluable DVD set and book. It is a “must have” for the serious competitor’s library.

“Without a doubt, Dave Rorem is one of the best handlers we have in this sport.” -Bill Eckett Trainer/Handler 2004 National Open Champion

“Dave Rorem is the best student I have had. His ability to read dogs is outstanding and his handling skills are second to none.” -Rex Carr 1995