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TurtleSkin® Snake Armor Orange Dog Vest -- Broad Chest

A light, comfortable dog vest made from the same material as snake gaiters!




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Code: 7092
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A snakebite directly to your dog's chest can be fatal, so protecting this vital area is critical. TurtleSkin Snake Armor dog vests are made from the same material as lightweight snake gaiters, and were tested using live diamondback rattlesnakes. They successfully repelled both their strikes and venom, so you can be sure your dog's chest has all the added snake protection necessary.

The TurtleSkin Snake Armor Dog Hunting Vest offers full adjustability to get the best fit for your dog. It features snag free fabric with flat seams to keep the material smooth over your dog's neck, chest and belly, letting your dog run through the underbrush with confidence and comfort.

Want additional snake protection for your dog? Check out the matching TurtleSkin Snake Armor Neck Protector!

Snake Protection Features:

  • Better Protection from Snakes -- Most snake garments are heavy, stiff, and bulky. TurtleSkin SnakeArmor's 6 oz. fabric is one-third the weight of other vests, yet tested to repel even large rattlesnakes.

  • Patent Pending Snake Protection -- TurtleSkin SnakeArmor's patented technology produces the tightest weave ever made with high-strength fibers. Its weave is locked so tightly that snake fangs can't slip past, while the tough ballistic fibers resist breaking. This results in an extremely protective fabric that is lightweight and flexible.

  • Tested with Live Snakes -- The TurtleSkin SnakeArmor system was tested with actual live diamondback rattlesnakes, successfully repelling their strikes and venom. In addition, it stopped a simulated snake strike of paired 0.05" diameter needles at 2.63 joules, and 0.042" diameter needles at 2.37 pounds with a penetration limit of 0.03".

  • Vest Sizing:

    SnakeArmor Vest Size Dog Girth (inches) Neck Size (inches)
    Small 19-23 12-14
    Medium 24-28 15-17
    Large 29-33 18-20
    X-Large 34-38 21-23
    2X-Large 39-44 24-26

    Have a dog with a "Regular" Chest? See the Regular Chest SnakeArmor Vest.

    TurtleSkin is a registered trademark of Warwick Mills, Inc.

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    Customer Reviews

    Review Summary
    7 Reviews
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    100% Recommend this product (7 of 7 responses)
    By Lindsey
    Eureka Springs, Arkansas
    Peace of mind
    April 26, 2023
    I was so impressed with the quality of the vest & neck protector!! We took our dog to an area that has cottonmouths and copper heads so we wanted to give him a little extra protection during our hikes. He also didn't seem uncomfortable in it. I would definitely recommend both products. I was very happy with my purchase.
    By Hope
    Feel Safer!
    April 25, 2022
    I definitely worry a little less! It fits great.He runs through the creek and fields with no constriction.
    By Henry
    Great Vest
    August 19, 2021
    Gun Dog Supply is my go to place for my dog needs. Quality service, excellent quality products and no nonsense shipping. I really appreciated Customer Service when I ordered this vest. I spoke with Vicky after ordering because I was concerned that the vest may be too large for my female Shephard. When measuring, she was right at the cusp between "medium and large". When I spoke with Vicky, she simply said, if the vest is too large, send it back and we'll replace it with the medium. She even included a "return package label" just in case. But the vest fit perfectly and my dog can even grow a bit more and the vest will still work.This vest is extremely well made. It has great reflective "hunter orange" quality. It also has substantial belly material that will protect the underside of any dog using it.Don't be put off by the price. You are getting quality! This is a vest for many, many years of hard use.
    • Versatility in fit. Substantial material. Good reflective properties. Easy to put on and take off. This vest should also provide some additional warmth based on the material it is made from. I think my dog will appreciate the extra warmth when we are out in normal sub-zero weather.
    • Because it is a "substantial" vest, it is taking a little while for my dog to get used to it. She is, or has been more comfortable with less expensive and lower quality, "light" vest materials. The first few times that she has worn it, she gives me a "why do I have to wear this look". But we will get over that with more frequent usage.
    By Michael
    Worth every penny
    March 18, 2021
    I live in Florida and Riley and I are out camping, hiking and exploring in the woods and springs pretty much year round. Last year Riley got between me and a pygmy rattlesnake and within two minutes of the strike he couldn't stand, lost control of his bowels and bladder and went into shock. He dropped to the ground. We were about a mile deep hiking in wetlands. I picked my 2 year old 70lb pup up and put him on my shoulders and made my way back to my Jeep as fast as I could...he was so heavy, and just dead weight on my shoulders. I couldn't see him up on my shoulders and didn't even know after a while if he was even alive anymore. I just kept on with this combination of walking/running/squatting down in 15 to 30 second rest intervals (he was SO heavy!) and trying to get him medical care as quickly as possible. I had my cell phone and managed to call my vet while I made my way out of the marsh who informed me they didn't have antivenen (antivenom), but luckily found a vet out there in the middle of nowhere who did and called ahead to let them know we had an emergency and would be there soon. This was his first snake bite, and the vet said it was a pretty potent one. The vet asked me some questions while they quickly looked him over and then rushed him back and said they'd call me "if he makes it", and would update me as soon as they could get him stable. I never cried so much in my life walking out of there leavin my dog like that and not knowin if I'd get to see him again. After him receiving fluids and antivenom, the vet called and said he pulled through and I could come pick him up and bring him home. The reason my Review Headline is "Worth every penny" is because I think people see the price of this vest or other snake gaiter protection for dogs and balk at the price. That vest visit was well over $1200 and when seconds count I was lucky I was even able to find a vet nearby that had antivenen and that the treatment worked. If you love your dog and your dog is family you should do whatever is necessary to protect them. I feel like I put Riley in harm's way by going in snakey territory and not protecting him in case of exposure. And in Florida where we live, just taking him out in the backyard to pee can be "snake territory". I purchased both the vest and neck gaiter to protect these vulnerable areas for when we go exploring now.
    • This vest is lightweight and flexible, while stiff enough to protect, it isn't so stiff that it is uncomfortable on Riley. He doesn't even seem to notice he has it on, and is able to move around freely as he normally does. It is easy to put on him and take off, only takes seconds. I've also noticed it protects his chest against thorns and briars. Thank you to GDS for making this product available!
    • Not really a con but something a friend said, and I think others might think is "What about the rest of him?" While you can't cover every inch of your dog in snake gaiter material, it isn't practical and the dog has to be able to walk, there are always going to be exposed areas, you protect what you can. This vest (and the neck gaiter which is sold separately) does an excellent job of protecting Riley's vulnerable neck and chest areas from receiving a strike. It also does an excellent job of protecting against thorns and briars if he gets "off trail" as he did yesterday and wound up in a blackberry patch.
    By Mark F.
    Central Texas
    Critical in Texas for Sam the Deer dog
    December 19, 2023
    We have a lot of rattlesnakes in central and south Texas, so its critical to protect your dog. We also have a lot of cactus that will stick and poke you so this has been a nice thing for my dog Sam so he can concentrate on tracking.
    • small and lightweight vest that is super durable and doesn't collect stickers. makes it much easier for me to see my dog in the thick brush. We track off lead so he can get out ahead of me 30-40 yards so this helps me keep a visual on him.
    • none
    Macon Ga.
    Vest and neck guard
    March 25, 2021
    Broad Chest fits my PIT PERFECT!!!!! She thinks shes a "BULLDOZER" when she wears it! Fits perfect!!!! GREAT PRODUCT! THIN, Light and TUFF!!!!!
    • All Good!
    • NONE!
    By Joshua
    Review for TurtleSkin® Snake Armor Khaki Dog Vest -- Regular Chest
    October 16, 2018

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    Order online via Secure Server or call 1-800-624-6378 to order! GDS Warehouse, 17645 U.S. Highway 82, Mathiston, Mississippi, 39752 USA.


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