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Copyright 2009, 226 pages, soft cover, color photos
In Tom Dokken's Retriever Training, one of America's leading trainers helps you channel your hunting dog's huge ambition so he works for you, the way you want, and does so happily. After using the time-tested methods in Tom Dokken's Retriever Training, you'll have a reliable retriever that:
Obeys commands on and off leash
Retrieves birds to hand
Remains steady to shot
Quarters and flushes upland game
Finds downed birds
Takes hand signals
Table of Contents:
A Primer on Puppies
Socializing Your Puppy: Preschool, 7-12 weeks
Early Puppy Training: Elementary school, 1st semester, 12-20 weeks
Exercises to Build on: Elementary school, 2nd semester, 12-20 weeks
Introduction to Birds and Guns: Middle school, 5-6 months
Formalizing Obedience: Junior high school, 1st semester, 6-7 months
Upland Hunting Skills: Junior high school, 2nd semester, 6-7 months
Welcome to Waterfowling: Junior high school, 2nd semester, 6-7 months
Force-Fetching: High school, 1st semester, 7-8 months
The Remote Collar: High school, 2nd Semester, 8 to 9 months
Advanced Retrieving: Last month of high school, 9-12 months
Real World Considerations: In-the-field advice for hunting with any age retriever
Training to Handle: Post-graduate work -- After the first hunting season
About the Author:
Tom Dokken has more than 30 years of experience turning retrievers into successful field trial competitors, hunt test participants, waterfowling companions, and upland bird finders. Tom is the creator of the popular Dokken Deadfowl Trainer, and Dokken's Oak Ridge Kennels in Northfield, MN, is one of the largest all-breed hunting dog training facilities in the United States.
Tom Dokken has many talents, the greatest of which is his ability to take your happy, untrained dog and, weeks later, return to you a trained companion that's still happy.
--Ron Schara
Host of Pheasants Forever and Minnesota Bound Television
Anyone who has attended one of Tom's seminars knows he is a hands-on trainer, beginning with handling your puppy on the very first day. This book provides a well-illustrated, step-by-step program to develop your pup into a willing and happy retriever.
--Rick Van Etten
Editor, Gun Dog Magazine
Steve Says: Dokken: Tom Dokken's Retriever Training
I waited a long time for Tom Dokken's retriever training books. They are finally here, and they are AWESOME.
These books are set up for hunters: They cover e-collars. They teach everything that you need from start to finish. I highly recommend them for both your retriever and your upland flushing dog. He covers both. If you want a dog that is a pleasure to hunt behind, this is a really great method to use.
Tom's method just makes a lot of sense. It is very complete and very step-by-step, making it easy for anybody to understand. It's something that was developed over a long period of time. He's worked with a lot of dogs, and it covers things the way that I like to see them covered. The best thing about it is that it's incredibly affordable -- you've got two books that are around $20 a piece.
We've worked with Tom for years. He developed the Dokken Dead Fowl Trainers, which we've been selling for a long time. We highly recommend his training method, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not happy with these books, we want them back.
I can't say enough nice things about them. If you are looking for a method that's going to be easy to work with and give you a dog that you are really happy with in the end, check them out.
This book was recommended by a friend who trained his hunting dog using it. He told me it is a great book for general training too, and he is right. So easy to understand, and the dogs respond as the book predicts. I've just started using it, but I love it, and i already know it will be priceless!
By Scott
Retriever training book
March 18, 2021
Simply the best hunting dog book I have ever read. Great pictures and great common sense writing. Do yourself and your dog a favor and get this book.
Easy to read and understand.
By Francisco
Training book
February 11, 2021
Excellent book. Very easy to understand and follow. The pictures help as well.
By Yves C.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
March 17, 2015
It was a gift for my son. He is very happy with this book. Very useful for him.
By Bob P.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
March 4, 2015
Using Tom's training techniques to FF train my GS pointer pups. Also like and am using his place training technique to help with future line and blind retrieves training. He seems like a real hands on trainer using conditioned response and pressure on then pressure off. I am a fan.
By Ed
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
February 18, 2015
Awesome step by step plan. Great supplement to the videos! Well done.
By Tom M.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
January 2, 2015
The book is a very informative book for training at any age or any level you wish to pursue. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone training their dog for field, water, or just obedience.
By Mark T.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
October 30, 2014
By Lynn W.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
July 10, 2014
Very good introduction for a puppy who is planned to be a hunting dog. Both the book and especially the DVD.
By Macy G.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
May 27, 2014
I would recommend this book to anyone who is just starting out with a retriever pup. It's very detailed.
By Adam P.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
May 12, 2014
Book is very helpful. Goes over the whole training process from puppy to finished dog.
By Candi N.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
March 27, 2014
By Albert B.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
March 24, 2014
Great book. Tells you everything to train your dog as long as your dog listens. lol
By Franklin M.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
February 17, 2014
Great tool to have on your shelf.
By Karl W.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
January 24, 2014
Awesome Book! A must have for the newer dog trainer!
By Michael M.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
January 17, 2014
Outstanding training guide.
By Mike C.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
December 20, 2013
Really like the book and received it really fast. Something like two days!
By Jonathan H.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
December 3, 2013
Good, basic information. I agree 100%. You do not have to hurt your dog to get him to obey. Except, I never force retrieved trained any of my dogs. Never had one yet fail to pick up a bird, stick, rock, turtle, etc.
By Tom E.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
November 12, 2013
Great book. Easy to read, and easy to train from.
By Carl K.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
November 1, 2013
I like the book it is nice and straightforward. My main issues with the book come from the difference in age of when my puppy started training. I got my dog at 14 weeks a full month behind where this book starts. Other than the date descrepiancies that I am having, it is a great book.Plus the pictures are great, I will also point out YouTube has a few dokken videos to see how a few of the exercises are supposed to go.
By Mick
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
April 1, 2012
I have gone back to this book many times as a reference while training my two retrievers. The information within is very valuable, whether you are going to train a dog yourself, or get one started before formalized training by a trainer begins. It will be money well spent by anyone that wants a well trained retriever. I have a number of Dokken products, and they are all top quality.
By Carl E.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 10, 2011
I have done what Tom has said to do in the book, and everything has worked great.
By Robert
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 6, 2011
Very good guide to training,Tom gets every dog is different and tells the best way train your hunting partner
By Tim R.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 5, 2011
An excellent book to add to your training library. Straight forward, easy to understand, and results oriented. Dokken's new bumpers are excellent tools to go along with the Dokken birds!
By Kyle A.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 5, 2011
Every topic covered was well described with detailed pictures. The amount of topics covered was a little thin.
By Robert M.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 5, 2011
Working very well for me.
By Paul S.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 5, 2011
The early chapters are extremely helpful, being able to know what I should be expecting from my pup, and what we should be covering.I'm a fan of Tom's and Chris Akin, also. Tom's book, and Chris' DVD, are a GREAT combo to train any dog!
By Kaley H.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 4, 2011
Very user friendly and fun to read.I really like the way the book is broken down between different ages of your puppy.
By D P.
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 4, 2011
Excellent resource. Clear, concise and extremely helpful.
By Kevin
Review for Tom Dokkens Retriever Training Book - The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
August 4, 2011
What I liked about this book is that it didn't just cover when you got the dog, but rather started at the process of when you're thinking of getting a dog. The book goes into things such as what to look for in picking a pup, puppy-proofing your home, etc. The instructions and illustrations throughout the book are also helped when going through the training routines. I also like the doggy first aid in the later chapters.
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