CommunicationThe Communication menu allows you to change the User ID, GPS channel, and E-Collar channel of your system if needed. The User ID is a unique identifier used by the Handheld Device and shared with the GPS Collar with E-Collar Module. The GPS-channel is the radio channel used for communication between the GPS Collar and the Handheld Device, while the E-Collar channel is the radio channel used for communication between the E-Collar Module and the Handheld Device.
The collar learns the User ID, GPS channel, and E-Collar channel from the handheld during the collar pairing process. This ID is factory set and uses over 2000 different codes. Most users will never need to change it. The ID value can be viewed on either the STATUS or ABOUT screens.
If the factory-set User ID on your Handheld Device conflicts with another Handheld Device or similar device, you should change the User ID to eliminate the conflict.
User ID - Highlight the word USER ID and select using the right arrow key. Press the up or down arrows to select a user ID number from 0 – 100. The User ID value is a number from 0 to 100 that is used to alter the actual ID value that the Handheld Device uses for communication. Select the number 0 to return to the original factory set USER ID. Changing GPS channel and Ecollar Channel requires that the collar be paired again to the Handheld.
GPS Channel - Highlight the word GPS Channel. Use the up and down arrows to select between channels 1 to 5.
E-Collar Channel - Highlight the word E-Collar CH. Use the right arrow to select the number.
Match up Two Handheld Devices
You can set up multiple handhelds to correct and track the same collars. You will need to have the same User ID, GPS channel, and E-Collar channel set for both units.
The Tek system is designed to allow you the option of tracking your dogs and the dogs of the folks that you hunt with that also run Tek collars. To track other dogs, you will need to use the Share option in the My Collars section. Sharing a collar allows you to track it, but it does not allow you the option of making ecollar corrections.
When two users want to have the ability to track and train the same dogs with each user operating his own Handheld Device, they can choose to set their User IDs to match. Matching the User ID basically makes them the the same handheld transmitting and recieving the exact same information. This set up will allow you the option of tracking
and training all the same dogs at the same time.
This is a really cool feature that will work well for folks that hunt together and train the same dogs. I would have loved to have had this option back when I hunted with my father. It never failed that close to the end of a long round of quail hunting, one of my pointers would make a large cast and end up further out from the truck than my dad
was interested in walking. I would head toward the dog and he would head back to the truck with his brittanys.
The problem would be that all three dogs were on one ecollar transmitter and one Tracker Maxima (Back in the days of radio telemetry). I would have to take the transmitter with me and he would have dogs with him but no way to make a correction if needed. Having matching handhelds would have been a really handy option. |