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Garmin Introduces Its Spin on the Next Generation of Tri-Tronics PRO Units

Garmin PRO 70, PRO 550, and PRO Trashbreaker


Howdy! Today we are looking at the Pro units from Garmin. Garmin has simplified the choices and enhanced the PRO line with new features while lowering the retail prices on 2 of the 3 systems offered.

Garmin PRO 550

($399.99) replaces the Field 90, Flyway Special, Pro 100/200/500 and Upland Special.
  • Best of the Pro/Field line for $100 less
  • 3 extra levels of STIM on the top-end
  • Vibration mode

PRO Trashbreaker

($449.99) replaces the Trashbreaker G3.
  • Now double the range at 4 miles
  • Now expands up to 9 dogs
  • New high-visibility color scheme

Garmin PRO 70

($299.99) replaces the Tri-Tronics Classic 70.
  • Save ~$20 off the price of the old Classic 70

What's cool is that the new features don't mess up the simple, one-handed operation so you can focus on training your dog, not looking at your transmitter.


What's the same?

Look and feel of transmitter
  • Same feel and one-handed operation that the Tri-Tronics Field and Pro units have had for years

SAME TRANSMITTER DESIGN -- With the exception of a few design changes that are strictly for looks, the handheld transmitters are the same.
  • The dial, buttons, and toggle switches have the same feel
  • Same placement on the transmitter as previous models
  • Quickly select the right dog
  • Quickly raise and lower stimulation as needed
  • Never take your eyes off your dog to look at the transmitter

COLLAR DESIGN -- The collar design is a little different, but it still has user-replaceable contact points, and it includes regular and long probes so you can select which one fits your dogs coat best.


All three new PRO systems have:


  • Turn on the white beacon lights from the transmitter
  • Easily locate your dog in the dark
  • Great safety feature in case your dog crosses any roads
  • Helps oncoming traffic see him in the dark
  • Visible up to 100 yards away

Perfect for dog owners like:
  • Coon hunters out in the dark
  • Duck hunters in the early morning while putting out decoys
  • Bird and rabbit hunters at the end of a long day
  • Pet owners walking their dog in their neighborhood at night


  • Lithium-Ion batteries charge fast and weigh less than the older batteries
  • User-replaceable Lithium-Ion batteries
  • Both in the transmitter and collar receiver


    All three of the Garmin Pro units have a built-in Bark Limiter. Turn your training collar into a bark collar by making a change at the on/off button on the collar itself. Simply hold down the on/off button. When the collar enters bark collar mode, the light on the collar will turn blue.

    The collar will then operate just like the Garmin Bark Limiter in the "Autorise" mode. In Autorise mode, the bark collar will correct your dog at the lowest level and then increase the stimulation level until it reaches the correct level to stop the barking.

    The Autorise stimulation that is used on the Pro units is different from the stimulation that the transmitter sends. The bark collars have 18 levels of stimulation. Your collar starts on the lowest level and increases until the dog stops barking.

    While a PRO 70 and the PRO Trashbreaker have only 6 levels of correction from the transmitter, the bark collar function has 18 levels.

    Unfortunately, these bark collars also do not have a direct set level option.

    To turn the collar receiver back into training mode, simply hold the on / off button down until the light returns to green.

    The Pro Bark limiter option will not work while your dog training collar receiver is in training mode. Your dogs can not receive bark corrections while the collar is in training mode. You must make a physical change at the collar to switch into bark mode.

    Unlike the Garmin Delta Sport, you CANNOT change the collar receiver to bark collar mode from the transmitter. If you need a bark collar/remote training collar that allows you to change over from the transmitter, then check out the Garmin Delta Sport.


    New Collar design -- The New PRO collar ( PT 10) is slightly smaller and weighs less than the G3 EXP receiver. The design is similar, but this collar features 4 belt loops instead of 3 to protect the collar strap better.

    3/4-inch COLLAR STRAPS -- The PT 10 collar receiver uses the smaller 3/4-inch collar straps in place of the wider 1-inch straps that Tri-Tronics used so it will look smaller on your dog.

    CHARGER -- Charger differences -- No longer a transmitter cradle. The PRO transmitters no longer need a charging cradle. The units have a charging port on the back of the transmitter that allows you to plug directly into the unit. This port is covered by a rubber flap to keep mud and trash out of the port.

    LANYARD ATTACHMENT -- The Garmin PRO transmitters have a lanyard attachment point at the base of the unit. This allows you to attach a lanyard to your transmitter to either wear it around your neck or tie it to your hunting vest or jacket. This will make these units easier to carry and less likely to get lost even if you have them in a holster.

    Not Backward Compatible -- The Garmin PRO systems are not compatible with any previous Tri-Tronics models.

    Not Cross-Compatible -- The Garmin PRO 70 and the PRO 550 are compatible with each other, but neither works with the PRO Trashbreaker. The 70 and 550 operate on the 27 Megahertz frequency while the Trashbreaker is a MURS-based radio system.

All in all, Garmin has done a great job -- simplifying the PRO / FIELD line down to three great collars with all these new features and then lowering the price.

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