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Master's Voice Audio CDs -- Gun Shy / Thunder / Noise Conditioning

Master's Voice Audio CDs -- Gun Shy / Thunder / Noise Conditioning

Have a gun shy dog? A puppy startled by fireworks or thunderstorms? Looking for a gunshy cure? These gunshy and noise cure CDs from Master's Voice are a great way to calm your scared dogs or frightened puppies and to condition your hunting dogs to gunfire. "I tried all the traditional gunshy cure methods and nothing worked. The Master's Voice system cured my dog's gunshyness easily and quickly. Now I recommend the Master's Voice system to all my readers," said Larry Mueller, Outdoor Life Hunting Dog Editor.

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Gunshy Cure Audio 2-CD Set
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Noiseshy Cure Audio 2-CD Set
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Gundog Conditioning Audio CD by Masters Voice
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Steve Says:

Here's a customer email I received the other day:

Hey Steve, I bought the [Master's Voice] CD set from you all last year and though I wasn't sure just how much good it did, the female I used it on has come through like gangbusters this year! It really works, although early this past fall my neighbor across the alley came screaming about me turning it down. I'll have to do differently in the future! Thanks, Randell T.

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