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 shop Roxy  (Labrador Retriever)
 shop Em (Pointer)
 shop Gretchen (and Rob)
 shop Babe (Brittany)
Roxy (Labrador Retriever)
Em (Pointer)
Gretchen (and Rob)

 shop Bikit (Brittany)
 shop Dee (Brittany)
 shop Dutchess (English Pointer)
 shop Kojak (Labrador Retriever)
Bikit (Brittany)
Dee (Brittany)
Dutchess (English Pointer)
Kojak (Labrador Retriever)

 shop Magic (Brittany)
 shop Man (Brittany)
 shop Red (Brittany)
 shop Sam (Labrador Retriever)
Magic (Brittany)
Man (Brittany)
Red (Brittany)
Sam (Labrador Retriever)

 shop Spanky-Lee (Brittany)
 shop Doc (Brittany)
 shop Dot (English Pointer)
 shop Patch (English Pointer)
Spanky-Lee (Brittany)
Doc (Brittany)
Dot (English Pointer)
Patch (English Pointer)

 shop Ruby (English Pointer)
 shop Stumpy (Mix)
 shop Zip (Brittany)
 shop Maggie (Brittany)
Ruby (English Pointer)
Stumpy (Mix)
Zip (Brittany)
Maggie (Brittany)

 shop Starr (Brittany)
 shop Vernon's Dog Richard (GSP)
 shop Tom (Brittany)
 shop Jett (Brittany)
Starr (Brittany)
Vernon's Dog Richard (GSP)
Tom (Brittany)
Jett (Brittany)

 shop Sage (GSP)
 shop Christy's Dog Chief (Beagle)
 shop Christy's Dog Champ (Beagle)
 shop Mike's Dog Moon (Labrador Retriever)
Sage (GSP)
Christy's Dog Chief (Beagle)
Christy's Dog Champ (Beagle)
Mike's Dog Moon (Labrador Retriever)

 shop Mike's Dog Lemon (Lab / Pitbull Mix)
 shop Ben's Dog June (Shepherd Mix)
 shop Ben's Dog Zoe (Miniature Pinscher)
 shop Vicky's Dog Ginger (Beagle)
Mike's Dog Lemon (Lab / Pitbull Mix)
Ben's Dog June (Shepherd Mix)
Ben's Dog Zoe (Miniature Pinscher)
Vicky's Dog Ginger (Beagle)

 shop Allen's Dog Mac (Mix)
 shop Steve M's Dog FCGD Whites Creek Liberty Bell (Beagle)
 shop Steve M's Dog Spike (Beagle)
 shop Karen's Dog Otis (Miniature Schnauzer)
Allen's Dog Mac (Mix)
Steve M's Dog FCGD Whites Creek Liberty Bell (Beagle)
Steve M's Dog Spike (Beagle)
Karen's Dog Otis (Miniature Schnauzer)

 shop Karen's Dog Jackson (Blue Heeler)
Karen's Dog Jackson (Blue Heeler)

1-800-624-6378 shipping-map free-shipping
GUN DOG SUPPLY - "Serving Hunting & Field Dog Owners Nationally Since 1972."
Order online via Secure Server or call 1-800-624-6378 to order! GDS Warehouse, 17645 U.S. Highway 82, Mathiston, Mississippi, 39752 USA.


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