Transcript from Steve's Video:
All of the EXP Tri-Tronics collars come with short probes installed. But they also have a longer probe for dogs with thicker coats. We're going to show you real quick how to take those out. It comes with a contact point wrench and then your two longer probes.
A lot of times folks will look at these and go, "These are not long probes." They're just looking at them compared to the short probes. And they actually are. You just have to see them side by side.
Take your wrench, unscrew. Usually you just loosen them up and then you can just use your fingers. When you look at them side by side you can see there's a pretty big difference in them.
This is the short probe. They come installed in the collar. And then this is your long probe. You just have to switch those out.
To install your long probes, I usually just screw them in by hand here. Take your wrench and tighten them down.
I'm not sure if I've ever had a probe come loose. But it's not a bad idea to check them from time to time just to make sure that they are on there tight. The system will not work without two probes. So that gives us our long probes. A dog with a thick coat that's what you are going to need. The majority of the folks can get by using the short probes. But if you are having issues with skin contact, this is the way to go.