2007 -- Garmin Astro 220 handheld (gray) + DC20 collar (harness)
2008 -- DC30 collar.
2010 -- DC40 collar.
2011 -- Astro 320 handheld (orange)
Astros are backwards compatible : The Astro 320 can track DC20/30/40 collars.
Both the handheld and collar are GPS units (Global Positioning System).
Both receive GPS signals from multiple GPS satellites to triangulate location.
The collar then radios the handheld every so often.
The handheld displays where you are, where dog is, direction dog is moving, and what he's doing.
HOW OFTEN collar radios the handheld is called the UPDATE RATE.
Update rate is adjustable on Astro 320 / DC 40.
Collar radios updates to the handheld every 5, 10, 30 or 120 seconds
Default update rate is set to ___ seconds.
"Advertised" operating range of ??? 9 miles (line of site).
Real-world operating range is more like 1-3 miles.
Range REDUCED by radio signal interference caused by cover (obstructions)/ changes in elevation .
Range INCREASED with bigger antennas (on both collar and hand-held)
MAP SCREEN shows your location, dog’s location, and tracks of where you've been.
COMPASS SCREEN shows a compass arrow pointing your dog's direction
-- Multiple dogs are also listed below with distance.
Track up to 10 DOGS wearing DC collars on an Astro 320.
Each dog has a unique CODE . 50 different unique CODES.
Problematic when multiple people are running multiple dogs in same location.
320 handheld has the standard antenna and 13” Long range antenna (range boost?)
DC40 has ?????? and be upgraded with the ______
The hand-held can also use a huge truck antenna.
Handheld uses USER REPLACEABLE AA-batteries
Average battery run-time: 10-20 HOURS
> Alkaline, Lithium, or Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable
Recommend more economical rechargeable AA NiMH batteries
ALWAYS carry spare batteries.
Collar uses USER RECHARGEABLE batteries
Lithium Ion (LI)
DC40 Collars come with an AC charger.
Charge time is 3-4 hours
20 Hour run-time (w/ 5 SEC Update Rate)
Car charger is sold separately.
320 comes with the most basic ????- Base MAP
shows major US highways, bodies of water, but that's it.
Users can add additional maps via
100K TOPO Maps -- Low topographical detail. Whole US48 on one map.
24K TOPO Maps -- More topographical detail.
USA split up into 12 different regions on micro SD (6 different regions on DVD)
F ree software from Garmin (mac/pc)
Manage data and transfer info from 320 handheld to PC
Save hunts, waypoints, tracks, coveys, ???
Required for Birdseye Imagery
User MUST have very high technical ability w/ a PC
Smaller screen + lower resolution -- cool but it's not"Google Earth"
All the info is stored in the 320. Not dependent on WWW access
Batteries, antennas, holsters, vehicle mounts, chargers, cables, straps and maps.
Free WEB UPDATER software for PC/MAC … Plug USB cable into 320 >>> see info on GDS web site.
(since it's 1-dog combo, the collar w/ pre-synched w/ handheld)
Cover what you get in the box
Cover anatomy of ASTRO 320 Handheld / DC40 collars
Put batteries in handheld
Turn both units on
Acquire GPS signal. Triple Flash = optimum.
(see Taiwan / select language/type of dog)
how to do these tasks...
??? anything else ???
----------- end of 101 handout ------------
-- Updating firmware on handheld | collars
-- Using ?basecamp from a laptop
-- Loading maps from a PC
The "free" map that comes with it is NOT my favorite. It has roads on it. That's about it.
think of a road atlas -- that first page? with the whole map of USA? that's it.
YOU NEED A 24K TOPO MAP because they are AWESOME.
(comes with this) -- DEM basemap>>> show you HWY 45
24K topo >>> road to thing, some detail, elevation, catfish ponds
Birdseye Satellite -- actual satellite photography, saved on your 320
24K + Satellite together
Birdseye Satellite -- DO NOT USE GOOGLE EARTH IN SAME SENTENCE AS BIRDSEYE. Quality of Birdseye. Size of screen is smaller AND satellite imagery is not as good as Google Maps / Google Earth.
MAP STORAGE is on the unit itself, so
noxubee example
what comes with
99% of people, SHOULD buy pre-loaded maps on micro SD card
comes on a chip
easiest thing to put in ASTRO
shows roads, water, elevations
24K topo -- 4x more detail, newer map
regional map, 2-3 states
100K topo -- less detail, older map
national map
BIRDSEYE is a LOT more complicated
Sam's Scavenger Astro Questions
list of things of folks don't need to know, but need to know where to find
Feature: You can now change the update rate which affects battery life / run time.
Benefit: Customer controls
Why this is important: When you have a lost dog, the clock is ticking.
CSRs: What questions customers will ask you.
RESOURCES: Where you can find answers.
*What does 3-Axis compass mean? Hand held does not have to be held level to be accurate
When is it recommended to calibrate the compass on the hand held? After moving long distances, experiencing temperature changes or changing the batteries.
How much internal memory does the 320 have? 1.7 Gigs
What are three things a customer can do to improve the performance of their 320 system? Replace antennas, replace batteries and update software. These three things are what you can suggest to a customer if they call and complain of problems before they contact Garmin for service.
What is most critical in getting the best performance from your Astro/DC40? Waiting for the triple flash on the collar before putting it on the dog.
*What does the triple flash on the DC 40 indicate? Collar is tracking 7 or more satellites (optimum performance).
Is it alright to leave the DC40 on charge once the blue light turns solid? According to Garmin it doesn’t hurt to leave the collar on charge once it has reached full charge.
What does it mean when the DC40 indicator flashes Red then blue when the collar is charging? The collar is on while it is charging
Is the DC 40 compatible with the 220? Yes. A software update on the 220 is recommended for optimum communication. This goes for all backwackwards compatible combinations for older and newer components.
Will the 320 allow you to track on a larger screen? Yes, the Base Camp Base Station option allows you to connect the handheld to a PC or laptop and track in real time. Older 320 systems may not have this option but you can update the software to add it.
Along with the Base Station upgrade, what other feature does the latest version of the software offer for the 320? adding dog color option to to Dog Info page
Will the DC40 fit a small dog? The DC40 strap will cinch down to 11 inches.
What is MURS? Multi Use Radio Service 151-154 MHz radio frequency. This is the radio frequency that the DC40 uses to communicates to the handheld.
Can the 320 be set for what type of batteries are used in it? Yes
What purpose does this serve? Alkaline batteries and lithium batteries will have different voltages over time. Since the units estimate remaining life using the voltage, you will get the most accurate estimate if you have the correct battery type selected.
Depending on the battery type, selecting the correct battery can also improve battery life. Selecting “alkaline” changes the behavior of the unit when the battery starts to run low by dimming the backlight and disabling tones and vibration indication. This will improve battery life by several hours on alkalines. Setting the battery mode to “lithium” or “Ni-MH” will not disable these functions.
High Powered Radios? Got a good bit of information on this but some conflicts, need some help from Steve to finilize something
Level of detail on the TOPO Map. Advanced map setup, Detail
ROOT WORDS in descending order by frequency
frequency multiple version
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Sam's original text
When was the Astro introduced? 2007 the 220 was introduced with the DC20. About a year later the DC30 was introduced. The DC 40 came out in 2010 and the 320 was released in late late 2011.
How does the system work? The handheld and collar are receiving GPS signal. The collar relays the GPS coordinates on a timed interval to the handheld by a radio signal to track your dog.
Is the signal interval adjustable? Yes
What are the four update intervals available on the Astro 320/DC40? 5, 10, 30 and 120 seconds.
What are two factors affecting range on the Astro system? Cover(obstructions) and changes in elevation. These can interfere with the radio signal between the collar and handheld and reduce range.
What is the average range of the Astro system? It will vary with terrain and cover but 1-3 miles is typical. Garmin advertises 9 miles line of sight but that is unrealistic in most situations.
What does the Map Screen show? Your location, the dog’s location and the track that you both have taken to get to that point.
What does the Compass Screen show? Picture of a compass with an arrow pointing to the direction of the dog. Below will be a list of dogs with the distance.
How many dogs can you track with the Astro? 10
How many dog codes are on the 320? 50
*What antennas are included for the 320 hand held? Standard and 13” Long range
What are the three types of batteries you can use in the 320 hand held? AA Alkaline, Lithium and Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable. We recommend the rechargeable NiMH (more economical)
*What is the average life for AA batteries in the 320? 10-20 hrs
What is the run time on the DC40 with a 5 second update rate? 20 Hours
What type of battery is in the DC40? Lithium Ion, user replaceable
What is the charge time on the DC40? 3-4 Hrs
Can you use the 320 for other types of activities such as hiking? Yes, the 320 is a full function GPS based on the 60 series handhelds.
Are additional maps available for the Astro 320? Yes. It is compatible with the TOPO 100K, 24K and Birdseye satellite imagery software.
What is Basecamp? Free software program from Garmin that allows you to manage data and transfer information from your handheld to your computer and vice versa. Required for Birdseye Imagery
101 Page 2
What Accessories do we sell for the Astro system? Batteries, antennas, holsters, vehicle mounts, chargers, cables, straps and maps.
Open new system from box
Start New Hunt
Find Dog Info Page-see communication and battery readings
Adjust Backlight
Small/Big Numbers
Calibrate compass
Track DC40