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Warner Carroll Snell, Starkville (Obituary) -- W.C. Snell

Warner Carroll Snell, 64, died Wednesday, September 24, 2003. Visitation is from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM Saturday at Welch's Funeral Home in Starkville, MS, followed by the memorial service at 1:00.

Mr. Snell, a graduate of Mississippi State University, taught in the Colleges of Business at Mississippi College and Delta State University. He also worked for the Jackson Chamber of Commerce and the Federal State Programs, Office of the Governor. In 1975, he became self-employed, establishing Gun Dog Supply (The Dog Store) in Ridgeland, MS. In 1997, he started He retired in 2001 to Starkville, MS, to enjoy hunting, fishing, and playing with grandchildren.

Survivors include his wife of 39 years, Anne Stockwell Snell; two sons, Robert and Steven Snell; daughter-in-law, Kathy Snell; grandsons, Sam and Luke Snell, all of Starkville; brothers Clyde Kent Snell of Tylertown, MS, Eddie Snell, Mark Snell, and sister Michelle Snell, all of Orlando, FL.

Memorials may be made to:
Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi
16 Northtown Dr.
Jackson, MS 39211
1-877-DFM-CURE (336-2873)

Thanks for your note.

We really appreciated all of the calls, emails, cards and flowers that folks sent to us. Dad touched a good many lives and it was really nice to hear from so many folks. The memorial service was also very nice. We had friends and former employees show up that we had not seen in over 15 years.

There were two things that we didn't mention in the obituary that I think our friends would appreciate. Dad was out working dogs when he died. I expect he would have preferred to have been hunting, but it was as close as he could get. All of his dogs were with him and that is the way he would have wanted it.

He had also already packed his bags for a month in South Dakota. He was really looking forward to going and had made it a yearly event.

I would have enjoyed having 10 or 20 more years with him, but it was his time. He would have preferred going the way that he did. He often talked about growing old and no longer being able to hunt , fish, play with the grand kids and work with his dogs. He lived a very full life to the end.

I have all of his dogs now (that brings my total to eleven) and they are doing well. Kathy and I were buying a house in the country before he died and we will soon have room for them all.

This will be a very strange hunting season for me. I started Quail hunting with Dad at age eleven and I seldom went with anyone else. He taught me everything that I know about hunting and dogs and the way you should appreciate the outdoors.

Mom and Rob and the grand kids are doing real well. Mom has been doing a little more around the warehouse just to keep busy. She is also doing some traveling and seeing folks that she had lost touch with over the years.

Rob and I are honored to run the company that Dad and Mom built from their kitchen table back in 1972. I think he really enjoyed the fact that we had both been working with him for the last few years.

We do appreciate you taking the time to write us and I just wanted to let you know that we are doing well.


The Snell Family -
Steve, Kathy, Anne, Rob, Sam and Luke

The Gun Dog Supply Staff

The Snell Dogs
Star, Jett, Tom, Maggie, Stumpy, Ned, Kojak, Em, Ruby, Patch and Dot

Gun Dog Supply - Serving Hunting and Field Dog Owners Since 1972
Starkville, MS

Reflections (Part of the Memorial Service)

Today we truly come to celebrate the life and love of Warner Snell. The love of a family, which hold a special bond. A family that works together. Rob told me the other day that he can�t remember when the business was not part of the family. In 1972, Warner, with Anne and two young boys, started their own company on the kitchen table. And from then on, there has been little distinction between the business and the family. Warner was a man of many principles. He was an organizer and also believed there was one way to do things, the right way. Do it right the first time.

There were tough times, floods, and economic changes and challenges. In 1979 during the first flood, the family lost everything. As Gun Dog Supply grew, it reinvented itself from store front, even comic books, to an online dot. Com. The struggles of life and business made this family closer. When hardship came, it didn�t come to divide them, only to help them grow closer. Two years ago, after the third flood in their home, this time from a burst pipe of the hot water heater, Anne decided it was the perfect time to move closer to their children and grandchildren.

These two years in Starkville were a blessed time for the Snell family. Warner�s family certainly was the light of his life. Especially two special young men, Sam and Luke, whom he would do anything for. Even hauling his boat all the way to Lake Tiak-O�Khata just to ride them around the lake, or giving them the best time of their lives riding in the wagon being pulled by the tractor.

Warner was blessed with faith throughout his life. He turned struggles into opportunity. Warner was blessed with hope as he saw his family grow. Warner was blessed with love � Love of family and love of life. And the greatest of these things is Love.

My Dear Friends,

I do not know much about the grieving process. I do not know if it involves wanting to share with loved ones but I have a very strong need to "talk" with each of you. My arthritic hands will not allow me to write notes to each of you but I can still type so "here I go".

Warner�s death was so unexpected. Two weeks before he died, he had been to the doctor and gotten a good report. We had gone on the Atkins Diet several months ago. Warner had lost 20 pounds and his blood sugar was close to normal. He was so careful about what he ate and was diligent about his exercise. Two years ago, we bought 40 acres south of Starkville. We bought some equipment and Warner was "clearing" the land. Rob really teased his Dad � he commented "Is this what I have to look forward to? You turn 60 years old � buy 40 acres � and you begin clearing the land!!" Ever since we bought the land, we had wanted to get a dozer on the property. We were very fortunate in finding a neighbor of ours (he owns land behind ours) to do the work. He and Warner talked at length about what clearing would be done. For eight days work was done on the land. Warner spent each day at the land being available to the driver and watching the work. Most afternoons I would go down and Warner and I would walk around and he would show me what had been done and where work would be done the next day. Several days I took the grand boys with their dump trucks so they could play in the dirt and watch the dozer. They loved it!! After eight days of walking who knows how many miles and staying so close to the work, Warner was worn out. All day Monday he rested in his recliner. I just wonder now if this fatigue should have told me something. We were supposed to leave for South Dakota on Wednesday for a month of Pheasant Hunting. We postponed our trip until Friday so Rye Grass seed could be put out. Since the dozer work left 15 � 20 acres of bare land, Warner was afraid that if it rained while we were gone that erosion would occur and he did not want that. So � we bought seed and Warner was putting it out. He was very good at calling me and letting me know how he was doing. There was a message on the phone at 1:30 "I am doing fine. Still planting seed and not sure how much longer I will work." Steve and I were both at Gun Dog Supply working and around 4 Steve asked if I would pick the boys up at day care so he could go to the Farm to help his Dad. Of course, I said yes. So Steve leaves for the Farm and I pick the boys up and go to the house. I know that the Lord was with me that afternoon because I went home and not to the Farm. Steve found his Dad and tried to revive him but he was gone.

The outpouring of love and support given to our family has been incredible. The food brought to the house, the plants and flowers sent to the funeral home, the attendance at the Memorial Service, the phone calls, the emails, the Memorials given, and the cards sent make Rob, Steve, and me realize how many lives Warner touched. I could not believe how many people drove up from Jackson for the Memorial Service. You can not know how special each of you is to us and how much we appreciate you. Please keep us in your prayers and please keep in touch.

I am staying with Steve, Kathy, and the boys. Right now I just can�t go back home. I go to the house during the day and putter but a lot of my time is being spent at Gun Dog Supply. Steve needs some help with adding new products and I enjoy doing that so he has put me to work. Before Warner died, all I did at Gun Dog Supply was the book keeping and I didn�t go in every day. Now I am working every day. For 1 � years I have volunteered at the Day Care where Sam and Luke attend. I am continuing that and just love it. All of the children call me Grandmother and that is so special. I can not express how much Sam and Luke are helping me. Sam will be 5 in November and Luke is 3 �. Our new baby is due in April.

My love to each of you. May God bless you and yours.

The outpouring of love and support given to our family has been incredible. The food brought to the house, the plants and flowers sent to the funeral home, the attendance at the Memorial Service, the phone calls, the emails, the Memorials given, and the cards sent make Rob, Steve, and me realize how many lives Warner touched. You can not know how special each of you is to us and how much we appreciate you. Please keep us in your prayers and please keep in touch.

Anne Snell Gun Dog Supply 1-800-624-6378 or 1-662-324-2410

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